

The Conversation:A common parasite could one day deliver drugs to the brain − how scientists are turning Toxoplasma gondii from foe into friend,” 8/7/2024
In Discover.

The Conversation: Toxoplasma is a common parasite that causes birth defects – but the US doesn’t screen for it during pregnancy,” 7/10/2024
In Inverse.

Psychology Today: Is Our Fate Determined by Our Genes?” 6/26/2024

ASBMB Today:The art of communicating science: An interview with Beth Malow,” 6/20/2024

The Conversation: Summertime can be germy: A microbiologist explains how to avoid getting sick at the barbecue, in the pool or on the trail,” 6/11/2024
In Popular Science
In Scientific American
In Inverse.

Medium:A microbiologist explains how worried you should be about the bacteria featured in John Green’s Turtles All the Way Down,” 5/21/24

The Conversation:Gut microbes that get you drunk and damage your liver − how the microbiome can create a microbrewery,” (updated); 4/26/2024
Reprinted in Discover.
Reprinted in Live Science.

ASBMB Today: A Paleolithic Peer Review,” 4/18/2024

Discover:A Rare Disorder Causes People to See Demon-Like Faces,” 4/10/2024

PLOS SciComm:Talking Trash for Ten Years: Interview with Children’s Author Patricia Newman,” 3/37/2024

The Conversation:Fan of black licorice? Beware of its dark side − it can be dangerous for your health,” (updated); 3/22/2024
Reprinted in Discover.

PLOS SciComm:What “12 Angry Men” Teaches Us about the Art of Persuasion,” 3/11/2024

Psychology Today:You Don’t Need a Lot of Money to Lead a Rich Life,” 2/28/2024

Psychology Today:Social Media Creates Unhappiness by Promoting Materialism,” 2/5/2024

Discover: Can Cats Increase the Odds of Developing Schizophrenia?,” 1/2/2024


Psychology Today:Happiness Is Not a Destination; It Is the Road Trip,” 12/6/2022

Psychology Today:What Genes Tell Us About Ourselves (and What They Don’t),” 9/12/2022

Discover: 5 Unexpected Ways Coffee Influences our Behavior,” 7/6/2022

Psychology Today:Souls: It’s Time We Give Up the Ghost,” 6/30/2022

Science: Rethinking Genetic Disease: Review of THE CARRIERS by Anne Skomorowsky,” 5/12/2022

The Conversation: Guns, Not Roses – Here’s the True Story of Penicillin’s First Patient,” 3/11/2022

The Scientist:How to Confront Anti-Science Sentiment,” 3/1/2022

Psychology Today: The Case for Removing Competition From Youth Sports,” 2/23/2022

ASBMB Today:What Goes Into A Tenure Review Letter,” 2/4/2022

Psychology Today:How To Spot Fake Health News,” 2/2/2022

Psychology Today:Ancient Wisdom for the Stresses of Modern Life,” 1/4/2022


Medium:Cobra Kai Rock: Six Obscure ’80s Anthems that Should Be on Johnny Lawrence’s Playlist,” 12/13/2021

Discover: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: What They Are and How Scientists Are Combating Them,” 11/3/2021

Actively Learn: The Spooky and Dangerous Side of Black Licorice,” 10/29/2021

ASBMB Today:How To Write A Killer Abstract In 10 Sentences,” 9/22/2021

Elemental:Opting Out of the Covid-19 Vaccine Puts the World at Risk,” 8/2/2021

GEN:The Dumbbell Effect of Political Polarization,” 7/29/2021

ASBMB Today:What To Ask During Your Faculty Interview,” 7/21/2021

PLOS SciComm:Dissecting the Popular Science Book: What Do Fans Want?“, 7/21/2021

The Scientist:We Should Ditch Awards in Science,” 7/8/2021

IndyStar:Uncertainty is an unexpected source of freedom,” 7/6/2021 (scroll to the bottom of page)

Trends:Making It Personal: Science Communication for the Masses,” 6/16/2021 (with Peter Hotez and Steffanie Strathdee)

National Geographic:Can COVID-19 Lead to Diabetes? Here’s What You Need to Know,” 6/10/2021

Psychology Today:When You Feel Overwhelmed, Subtraction Can Lead To Gains,” 6/9/2021

Discover:When Lice Becomes Deadly,” 6/5/2021

National Geographic: Could a Distaste for Broccoli Indicate Greater Resistance to COVID-19?“, 5/29/2021

PLOS SciComm: Turning Terror into a Scientific Memoir: Interview with Steffanie Strathdee, author of The Perfect Predator,” 5/19/2021

National Geographic: Microbes in Your Gut May Be New Recruits in the Fight Against Viruses,” 4/13/21

The Conversation:Of Microbes and Mothers – Certain Gut Bacteria in Mice Can Disrupt the Mother-child Relationship,” 2/8/2021

Discover: Beyond the Laughs, ‘The Office’ Delivers Some Hard Science. But How Does It Hold Up?“, 1/9/2021

Psychology Today: Manage the Stress of COVID-19 with Stoicism,” 1/5/2021


Medium: Why It Is Appropriate to Address Someone with a Ph.D. as Doctor,” 12/13/20

The Conversation:The Spooky and Dangerous Side of Black Licorice,” 10/26/20

Medium:How Jimmy Carter Saved Millions of Lives,” 10/1/20

ASBMB Today: Grant-writing Tips for Beginners,” 6/25/20

Psychology Today:Divided We Fall: How to Mend Political Differences,” 6/16/20

Medium:Dumbbell America: Divided We Fall,” 6/15/20

The Washington Post: Seinfeld, Science, and Yada, Yada, Yada,” 6/15/20
(Originally appeared in The Conversation: Science of Seinfeld,” 6/5/20)

Elemental: Everyone on ‘Tiger King’ Is Bonkers. Is A Parasite To Blame?“, 4/8/20 (Editor’s Pick)

Psychology Today: Can “Tiger King” Madness Be Explained by A “Cat” Parasite?“, 4/2/20

ASBMB Today:Why Scientists Are Studying if Chloroquine Could Treat Coronavirus,” 3/29/20

Elemental:Why Scientists Are Optimistic That Chloroquine Could Treat Coronavirus,” 3/23/20 (Editor’s Pick)

Medium: Can an Old Drug Used to Fight Malaria Save Us From Coronavirus and COVID-19?“, 3/18/20

Medium:Coronavirus COVID-19: Don’t Be An Idiot,” 3/11/20

ASBMB Today: What Can Your Ombuds Office Do For You?“, 3/9/20

Medium:Marching Forward: Finding Meaning to Life in the Face of Death” (with Adam Hayden), 3/7/20

Psychology Today:Here’s Why You Should Stop Searching for a Soul Mate,” 2/4/20

IUPUI Health & Wellness (Interview): “How A Warmer Winter Can Affect Your Health,” 1/23/20

Psychology Today:The Truth about Lying and What It Does to the Body,” 1/6/20


COSMOS:Star Wars Midi-chlorians, Here on Earth!” Issue no. 85 (print only), 12/19
Read it here.

Psychology Today: Break All Your Bad Habits with This One Good Habit,” 11/19/19

Curious Kids (The Conversation): Why Do Feet Stink at the End of the Day?“, 11/4/19
One of the top 5 articles of 2019.

Psychology Today:Have No Fear: Halloween Monsters Provide A Teachable Moment,” 10/23/19

Discover: Gene’s Addiction, or Why Ozzy Osbourne Is Still Alive,” 10/10/19

The Conversation:Gut Microbes Can Get You Drunk and Damage Your Liver,” 9/30/19

Psychology Today: Culturomics: Using Big Data to Study Human Behavior,” 9/19/19

The Conversation:Why Bill Maher Is Wrong About Fat-shaming,” 9/17/19

IU Research Update:Flesh-eating bacteria,” 9/9/19

The Conversation: “Stop Calling It A Choice: Biological Factors Drive Homosexuality,” 9/3/19

The Scientist:Can Genetics Explain Human Behavior?“, 9/1/19

Frolic:Take This Quiz to Find Out the Hidden Forces that Make You…You,” 8/29/19

PLOS SciComm: Want to Write a Popular Science Book? Here’s What You Need to Know,” 8/27/19

Psychology Today:Why Do We Love The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper?“, 8/20/19

National Geographic:Why We Like What We Like: A Scientist’s Surprising Findings,” 8/6/19

The Conversation:Why the Brain-Eating Amoeba Found in Freshwater Lakes – While Rare – Is So Deadly,” 8/1/19

Psychology Today:Dear Dr. Melfi: Regarding Your Patient, Mr. Tony Soprano…“, 7/8/19

The Conversation: Is the Brain Parasite Toxoplasma Manipulating Your Behavior, or is Your Immune System to Blame?”, 5/14/19

PLOS SciComm:Yes, I’m A Scientist on Twitter. Stop Judging Me,” 2/27/19

PLOS SciComm:Predatory Publishers Want To Write Your Autobiography!”, 2/11/19


A Science Enthusiast:A Scientist Reviews Products in the ‘Sharper Image’ Catalog, Hilarity Ensues,” 12/19/18

PLOS SciComm:Is It Time for Pre-Publication Peer Review to Die?”, 8/28/18

COSMOS:If Parasites Had Dating Profiles,” 7/20/18 (originally appeared in THE ‘SCOPE 7/18/18)

ASBMB Today:How to Serve up a Killer Research Seminar,” 5/15/18

PLOS SciComm:If the Script for Avengers: Infinity War Was Peer-Reviewed,” 5/10/18 (reprinted in COSMOS)

PLOS SciComm:If the Script for Star Wars: The Last Jedi Was Peer-Reviewed,” 3/13/18 (reprinted in COSMOS)

PLOS SciComm:Barking Up the Right Tree: Scientist and Author Daniel Chamovitz Talks to PLOS About Science Communication,” 1/9/18

IUSM Research Updates:Depriving Parasites of Their Shelter from the Storm,” 12/13/17

PLOS SciComm:Blogs, Videos, Newspapers, Books: PLOS SciComm Talks to Aaron Carroll About Health Communication,” 11/6/17

PLOS SciComm:To Catch A Predatory Publisher,” 10/4/17

PLOS SciComm:An Appetite for Science Communication: Author Traci Mann Talks to PLOS,” 9/27/17

PLOS SciComm:Science Writer Nathalia Holt Talks to PLOS About Rocket Girls, Silly Questions, and Trading Pipet for Pen,” 9/5/17

IUSM Research Updates:Don’t Let Toxoplasma Rain on your Summer Fun,” 7/16/17

PLOS SciComm:Awkward to Awesome: Dr. Ty Tashiro on Communicating the Science of Being Awkward,” 7/12/17

IUSM Research Updates:Repurposing Drugs to Fight Deadly Infections,” 4/3/17

DumbLittleMan.com:Is My Cat Going To Drive Me Crazy?”, 3/2/2017

Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine:Unbreak My Heart: A Short History of the Defibrillator and CPR,” 21(3), 2016

WhatIsEpigenetics.com:Epigenetics: Feeding the Obesity and Diabetes Epidemic?”, 5/21/2016,

GotScience.org:Malaria Drugs: From Herb Garden to Medicine Cabinet,” 5/12/16

GotScience.org:Living On Nothing but Coffee,” 3/9/2016

WhatIsEpigenetics.com:Can an Infection Alter Your Epigenome?”, 5/5/2015

Salon.com:The Parasite Made Me Do It,” 3/27/15

Scientific American MIND:Played by a Parasite,” 3/1/2015. This article also appeared in Salon.com (see above), Scientific American (“Dogs & Cats” special edition issue, 9/1/2015 and 9/1/2018), and in Gehirn und Geist (Germany).

ASBMB Today:The Road to Professor,” June/July 2014

ThePostdocWay:Taming the Wild West: Social Media for Scientists,” 1/6/14

ASBMB Today:How To Write a Killer Cover Letter for a Postdoctoral Application,” 10/1/13